Friday, September 05, 2003

a simple request

After watching the Democratic debate last night, I've decided that politicians annoy the hell out of me.

Debates are meant to probe the candidate's opinions, demonstrate that they can think on their feet. When candidates ignore the question and use each of their turns to stump on an un- or tangentially related issue, the entire premise of the debate is undermined. There's a time and a place for prepared speeches. Debates aren't it. Answer the question. If there's a flaw in the question, point it out. If you have extra time after you've answered the question to address a related topic, go for it. But answer the question.

The moderators could be faulted as well, but there's no guarantee that increased probing would elicit a real response.

This is why I could never be a politician... if I was ever in a debate with someone who ignored a question, I'd probably start shouting at them. Or throwing things, which is what it almost came to last night.


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