Tuesday, September 30, 2003

you gotta have a team

I could, in theory, espouse the position that I enjoy watching sports for something intrinsic about each game... baseball's minute strategic decisions that casual fans don't even notice, the sheer physical effort and pain involved with football, etc. But I'm only ever really into a game if I have someone to cheer for. Even if it's in the negative (i.e. the Yankees and Braves for baseball).

The baseball playoffs are upon us. The Phillies are done 'til the spring (thanks to a six game losing streak that included two losses to the Reds). But I want to watch baseball. So I need teams. As of right now, my teams are:

AL: Twins. Reasons: 1) Minnesota has a special place in my heart at the moment. 2) The whole small market thing. 3) They're playing the Yankees. And, hey, look! The Twins won game 1.

NL: Giants. Okay, they're the favorites, but that's okay. Reason: 1) Barry Bonds. 'Nuff said.


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