A milestone
Today, by dumb luck, I came across the first instance of me being cited in print. The first book on my cart was Anges & Démons: Autopsie d'une mystification by Jean-Michel Oullion. As you probably know, my most popular post ever was a rather lengthy list of the innumerable errors in Dan Brown's trainwreck of a thriller
I flipped through Oullion's book -- no big surprises. Even though I haven't picked up the book in over two years, the factual errors are so egregious (to say nothing of the awful writing) that the whole thing ends up being pretty memorable. But imagine my surprise when I get to the bibliography. The last item:
Sur le blog de Danny Loss, nos lecteurs anglophones trouveront également un mini-forum de discussion sur les erreurs d'Anges et Démons.
If anything, I'm a bit concerned by how closely some of Ouillon's critiques followed my own. But for right now the main feeling is exhilaration.
Whoa. Plagiarism aside, that's awesome.
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