Friday, October 08, 2004

Historians all around

In addition to the aforementioned matriculation dinner, today was also marked by drinks with the various people associated with my course, the MPhil in Modern European History [longish pdf, so you've been warned]: fellow grad students (whose names I'm starting to learn) and Real Life Historians. Now I've met plenty of those before, but there's something a bit different between the profs at the history department at Swat and, say, Richard Evans. I can say quite confidently that I've never before had drinks with someone who has turned down a chair at Princeton.

It's all very impressive, and I must admit to being a bit cowed. But everyone's quite friendly, and Richard Evans has even been to Swarthmore! Besides, being privy to all sorts of Cambridge gossip (for example, Peterhouse is a scary place with a clique of reactionary fellows whose political beliefs, if made public, could seriously damage the reputation of the university) makes one feel more comfortable.

So. There are famous historians here. And I get to spend time with them. It's all very exciting.


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