Monday, January 10, 2005

More Dan Brown, a brief update

In case you haven't got enough debunking of Dan Brown, check the comments to my list of the errors in Angels and Demons. I've also received a few e-mails, and I'll be posting the contents in a few days once the feedback seems to have trickled off.

Still working on the papers. The first, on the post-1960 history boom, has a detailed outline with all the supporting quotations in the right places. I just need to write the sucker. The second, on English historian G.M. Trevelyan, has 2,000 words from a presentation; I need to write another ~3,000 words and add the footnotes that I stupidly left out when I wrote out the notes for the presentation. I've learned my lesson.


At Jun 21, 2006, 1:28:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read most of the comments on the page "Errors in Angels and Demons." Although I understand people's frustrations with the mistakes in this book, I don't undrestand why people assume that Dan Brown wanted most of his book to be factual. As many people have previously addressed, the book is a fiction. Although he claims some facts are true he only claims that anti matter exists, and he does not claim that his theory is true. He's a writer obviously, not a physicist. He does not say that CERN's technologies are real. He only states that CERN exists.
Although many people have posted the "real" facts, how are people supposed to know these facts are real? Although the book may have been misleading to some readers, the previous postings have done the same. Without evidence, stating "actual" facts does not help. We can't just read everything we read on Google or any website and believe it to be true. The information has to come from reliable sources. And I'm sure everyone knows that reliable information also does not come from fiction thriller books.
Yeah cell phones don't have dial tones. He didn't say he wrote a documentary. It was a fiction. And of course the story line is fake. It's a fiction. And he didn't claim the history is all factual. I understand some people may be having fun trying to find out the "real" facts but please respect other people and don't insult readers who find this book as fiction, like it should be considered. Fiction is not just something like Superman who can fly. Fiction can also be very closely related to reality. Many of today's fiction uses some facts to create more fiction. And although some people enjoy documentary others may enjoy fiction as well. So if you enjoy documentary, then simply don't read Dan Brown's books.
Finally, people need to remember that not everything in this book was intended to be factual. It is a fiction. Everyone has opinions and they are free to post their opinions but don't insult all readers by assuming that all of his readers are idiots who assume everything is supposed to be considered factual.

At Jul 21, 2006, 11:34:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to reply "We nitpick it for fun, and if you don't like it perhaps you shoudl avoid reading nitpicking sites"... but then I realised, nitpicking a nitpicking site is a kindof "metafun". If I'm allowed my nitpicky fun, I guess you're allowed your nitpick-picky metafun, even if it seems hypocritical to me.


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