Saturday, January 22, 2005


I was just about to sit down and write some preliminary thoughts on my dissertation, the process, and how I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. But... I just noticed that, in spite of the power cord being plugged in, my laptop is not charging. I've tried different outlets, so it's not that. Looks as if there could be something wrong with the power cord; it's been a bit fritzy the past couple days, but it started working again once I made sure everything was firmly attached. Now, I'm not sure what's going on.

This could be a Bad Thing. All my notes are on my laptop (though I have some stored on the server) and, well, I'm just used to having my laptop around, with a ready connection to the internet whenever I want it.

So, like the title says: eeeek. Hopefully it'll be better in the morning.

(On the other hand, no internet means far less distraction. But there's still the problem of no laptop at all...)


At Jan 23, 2005, 8:35:00 AM , Blogger Sharon said...

Oh dear... I have occasional nightmares about losing my laptop somehow. Fingers crossed for you. Hope it turns out okay.

(But now I'm going to go into grown-up finger-wagging mode: this is why you should back up everything important - research notes and writing - regularly. Especially if you have an internet connection and can just ftp stuff to another location. This, however, is coming from the woman who currently has a large folder of document images from several months' research most of which she hasn't got round to backing up yet. So not exactly safely occupying moral high ground here.)

At Jan 23, 2005, 8:20:00 PM , Blogger Danny said...

At the moment it's charging. Whew. At the very least, I'll have four good hours of power for tomorrow, during which I will most definitely be backing up every file that could be of possible use in the next four months.

Maybe I'll just leave the laptop just where it is so I can be sure the charging continues to work, therefore completely eliminating the convenience of a laptop...


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