Monday, January 24, 2005

More differences between the UK and the US

Previously, I've written about how Brits talk funny and how they don't have graham crackers here. A few more noteworthy differences:

- The town names here are just so... English. I suppose it's a bit silly for someone who spent a considerable portion of his youth in places like Pittsford, Middletown, and Swarthmore to make light of English place names, but come on. Knebworth? Stevenage? Biggleswade? And those are just on the train line between King's Cross and Peterborough.

- Panto! It's hard to know where to start. Let's just say that, last night, I saw Ian McKellen prance around in a dress at the Old Vic. And I loved every minute of it. For more info, see this page.

- The weather makes no sense. Between 7:00 this morning and 1:00 this afternoon, it started snowing, fairly heavily, at least five separate times. In between the bursts of snow, the clouds cleared and the sun melted whatever amounts of snow had accumulated. Here's a rough recap of what I saw out my window this morning: snow -> partly cloudy -> snow -> partly cloudy -> snow -> sunny -> snow -> partly cloudy -> snow -> sunny. No rain in between. How exactly does this work?

(A warm welcome to whatever new readers I may have picked up tonight. You know who you are.)


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